Place Patterns

Anindita Banerjee

Part documentary, part research project and part social experiment, Place Patterns explores the meaning of home to various Wyndham residents through recorded interviews.

Seated inside a large, mirrored acoustic pod installed in the street, Banerjee’s subjects respond to a series of pointed questions: is Wyndham their home, or just where they live? Is home real, or is it a memory?

Place Patterns gives voice to feelings and experiences so subtle they often go unspoken. It explores how people navigate and reconcile divergent versions of where home is, what it means and how it feels, ultimately capturing a tapestry of ideas, visions and dreams evoked by the notion of ‘home’.


Anindita Banerjee

Anindita Banerjee

Anindita Banerjee, a twice-uprooted Indian, is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher, based on Wadawurrung land. Her research interest includes cultural otherness, authentic identity and the sense of home. Memories and the reconstruction of ritualistic ceremonies and mark-making inform her practice. Using gestural portrayals of hybrid rituals, she wonders about her place as an immigrant to the unceded Indigenous lands of present-day Australia. She has exhibited widely, including at the Victoria Parliament Melbourne, Customs House Sydney, and the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts.